general informations
Established on 05.10.1992 and officially registered on 21.10.1992. But roots of the company date to year 1989, when on 18.06.1989 aquisitioned company KONTRAKT d.o.o., Ljubljana was established.
- Parmova ulica 53,
1000 Ljubljana,
- Share capital: 220.000,00 EUR
- Registered at: Okrožno sodišče v Ljubljani
- VAT: SI42044324
- Registration number: 5799414000
- IBAN: 0700 0000 2440 416 opened at Gorenjska banka d.d.
Our Mission
Group Simič & partnerji d.o.o. is renowned for its competitive advantages in many fields of tax consulting and accounting services.
A company with a clear business vision, recognizable values and business culture. We accept our responsibility toward our employees, individuals, companies and broader business environment.
We expand our services and their qualities, successfully adapting them to our clients needs. Broad domestic and international partnerships network allows us to offer high response times to our clients.
With our know-how and experience in tax consulting and accounting, with competitive services and many references, we are known as a reliable and respected partner in the region.
Our driver is satisfied customer.
our vision
To ensure optimal development, quality, competitiveness and reliability of our services.
To evolve affinity and loyalty of our employees, to invest in their knowledge and ensure their social safety – with guaranteed long-term solvency and optimal return on invested capital.
simič & partners
Established on 05.09.2013 and registered on 18.11.2013. Company SIMIČ & PARTNERJI is subsidiary company of SIMIČ & PARTNERS GROUP.
- Parmova ulica 53,
1000 Ljubljana,
- Share capital: 7.500,00 EUR
- Registered at: District court in Ljubljana
- VAT: SI80191339
- Registration number: 6493041000
- IBAN: 2900 0005 108 9 757 odprt pri UniCredit Banka Slovenija d.d.
In 2004 group SIMIČ & PARTNERS d.o.o.decided that after 15 years has been the provision of financial services and experience, and the growing customer demand for financial services in the whole of Slovenia formed its own franchise group in the field of financial services.
Throughout the franchise group’s employees at fifteen locations 50 people, which currently caters to more than 700 customers of various activities (dd, doo, partnerships, sp, associations, institutions, municipalities and other government bodies). After Slovenia’s accession to the EU has increased the demand for financial services by foreign companies. The franchise group can thus offer our clients services in foreign languages to English, German, Italian, Macedonian, Croatian and Serbian languages.
Group SIMIČ & PARTNERS and the entire franchise group are included in an international group of independent consultancy, accounting and law firms GENEVA GROUP INTERNATIONAL, which is headquartered in Switzerland. In this way we were able to participate with the members of this group worldwide.
The Franchise Group will try the next few years to all customers provide the same quality services, which will be possible only through continuous training and adaptation to changes in the laws and in cooperation with recognized external experts. Only by pooling and exchange of views we can provide our clients with quality financial services.
The franchise group SIMIČ & PARTNERS can enter accounting firm that is willing to accept the conditions existing in the franchise group SIMIČ & PARTNERS.
our partners
RE plus d.o.o.
Dunajska cesta 156
1000 Ljubljana
Tel: 01 500 40 34
Fax: 01 500 40 38
Sconto d.o.o.
Mlakarjeva ulica 76
4208 Šenčur
Tel: 04 279 10 00
Fax: 04 279 10 30
Finera svetovanje d.o.o.
Kidričeva ulica 24
3000 Celje
Tel: 03 425 71 25
Fax: 03 425 71 27
Zaman d.o.o.
Ljubljanska cesta 34,
8311 Kostanjevica na Krki
Tel: 07 498 65 55
Fax: 07 498 65 50
Podjetniško naselje Kočevje 3,
13330 Kočevje
Tel: 01 895 47 26
01 893 10 03
Fax: 01 985 50 03
Kontesa d.o.o.
Kidričeva 3A,
2380 Slovenij Gradec
Tel: 02 882 23 30
02 882 23 31
Fax: 02 882 23 33
PROR.I.S.K d.o.o.
Erbežkova ulica 2
1000 Ljubljana
Tel: 01 256 69 58
Fax: 01 256 69 57
D&B FINING d.o.o.
Lokev 77, 6219 Lokev
PE: Kolodvorska cesta 1
6000 Koper
Tel: 05 631 30 31
Fax: 05 631 30 33
Računovodske storitve Ana Pirc s.p.
Zagradec pri Grosuplju 47
1290 Grosuplje
Tel: 01 786 04 10
01 786 04 11
Fax: 01 786 10 76
Anita Avbar Salopek s.p.
Ulica talcev 41
8351 Straža
Tel: 07 308 31 12
Fax: 07 308 31 19
Računovodsko davčni raj d.o.o.
Gregorčičeva ulica 8B
1235 Radomlje
Poslovna enota: Glavni trg 25
1241 Kamnik
Tel: 040 704 056
031 491 236
SOFIR d.o.o.
Trg svobode 27
2310 Slovenska Bistrica
Mob: 041 748 730
Tel: 08 205 38 78
Tel: 08 205 38 79
Tax Education Institute – DIZI was established in 2001 with the aim of educating taxpayers and that the founders and members of the institute mutually pursue common interests.
DIZI is upgrading its business with publishing, as it has published several books and manuals during this time. In ten years, he has conducted more than 150 professional trainings, attended by thousands of listeners.
Our mission is to continue the quality and selfless transfer of knowledge. As a result, we have revived the tax academy, the purpose of which is to educate and prepare students for the exam for a tax advisor. We grant a license as a tax advisor or tax practitioner to anyone who becomes a member and meets the rules set out in the rules.
Tax advisors or tax practitioners are then united in the Section of Tax Advisors, in which they contribute to the development of the tax consulting profession in Slovenia, or in the Section of Tax Practitioners, in which they contribute to the development of the accounting and tax consulting profession. Our tax education days, which take place both in Slovenia and abroad, are recognizable in the region, and we offer attractive discounts to all our members at trainings.