Accounting services with personal approach
We have personal individual approach and continually upgrading skills combine high quality services in the franchise group, and we are so close to the direct personal contact with the user, if necessary clamped in international flows and tax consultancy with extensive experience developing client support.
We have a modern information and communication technology, which in turn relieves our own, to the core business, oriented clients.
Experts on all key areas
We cover the areas of payroll, conducting basic and auxiliary books and records with modern IT support, conducting payment transactions, management accounting by cost center, production of annual reports, calculations of depreciation and revaluation of fixed assets, preparation of interim operating results, preparation of tax returns, accounting for taxes value added, accounting for personal income, benefits from remuneration, benefits, royalties duty under contracts, refund of contributions, accounting for income taxes, monitoring of receivables and liabilities, preparation of formal notice, compensation and IOP forms, calculation of interest and default interest, treasury management, intrastate reporting, preparation of financial accounts statistics, reporting to the Bank of Slovenia (SN, C, SK), preparation of documentation to obtain bank loans and other financial services at the request of the parties.
To whom are our services intended?
Storitve so namenjene pravnim in fizičnim osebam, ki želijo z nami, kot partnerji na področju računovodstva, optimizirati svoje aktivnosti na način, da se lahko osredotočijo na svojo osnovno dejavnost.
We offer:
- accounting services for sole proprietors
- financial services for small and medium d.o.o
- accounting services for d.d.
- accounting services for public administration
- accounting services for societies